I could love you

It has been just over 24hrs ago that I discovered that my recent alcoholic ex made several passes with the female friend he was staying with, whilst he was in ‘merica on a Christmas visit to his son. She locked her door when she went to bed that night.

I don’t feel anything, it has been on my mind but I have no emotional response.


Letter to the new girlfriend

Lisa E Scott has a very informative website covering many aspects of being in a controlling relationship. Within it are many articles on emotional abuse and narcissistic abuse.

There is an interesting take on describing a relationship littered with emotional abuse and it is written in the format of a letter to the new girlfriend.




The Tea analogy came from a blog post in 2015 and remains spot on in its description of consent. The message was so powerful that it was made into an animation and went viral.

The original post can be found on the following link. I feel it is good to credit the author rather than plagarise her work.


Thames Valley Police used it as part of a #consentiseverything campaign and it was published on metro.co.uk

The video is here


And the article is here

This new ‘sexual consent and tea’ video from the police is brilliant

The sailor, the actor & the imagineer.

The characters that unfold in the chronicles of coercive control are three men who have influenced the roles of being a daughter, wife, mother and lover following the premature death of my mother. Unconditional love was no longer present in my life. Surviving their experience has moulded me into the person I am today. Without their input, this blog would not exist. The pseudonyms are used to protect the guilty and to distance myself from the drama they create.